Thursday, September 11, 2008

Never Forget 9-11

I could not let this day pass by without an entry.

Where were you when war was declared on our country? Do you continue to remember it and pray for the families who lost loved ones? Driving through my neighborhood today, almost no one is displaying our American flag. It's been 7 years. As a nation built on Jewish and Christian foundations, we are a target for the enemy. I will not be politically correct and say, oh, it was just extremists.

The followers of Koran are instructed that we are satan and must be destroyed. I implore you to remember this day, a day that must NEVER leave our minds. My family was not directly affected, but I had friends at the Pentagon that day. Also, A dear friend of our family, a United Pilot himself, lost his best friend, the pilot of United Airlines Flight 93. A young woman my daughters grew up with was a flight attendant for Delta, she was grounded, not knowing what the next few days would bring,

I'm watching videos on You Tube to remind myself and to keep the pictures of the act of war fresh in my mind.

I lived for a year in another country as their guest. With all of America's problems, I am proud to be a citizen of this great nation. We are the land of the free BECAUSE of the brave men and women who choose to defend us. My husband served honorably in the United States Air Force. My father served honorably in WW11. The son's of many of my friends are serving honorably, protecting my right to post this blog entry, as I type in my comfortable and air conditioned home.

There are those who believe this terrorist action this was done intentionally by our own government. I do not believe that. Remember this day as you make you decision in our upcoming presidential election.

I pray that God will continue to bless this nation and have mercy on us.

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